BSABSVR - Both sides are bad so vote republican. An acronym to describe messages or memes from Republicans while they are royally fucking things up, democrats are clearly to be blamed for the incompetence, bigotry, and criminality of Republicans. This usually reaches peak wing nut during the last 6 months of an election cycle.
by GrandMass April 15, 2019
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Stands for "both sides are bad, so vote Republican."

Usually said by a left-leaning person in response to a right-leaning person's claim of equivalency.

The reverse is seldom said, as Democrats are usually all to happy to tell their leaders they suck eggs, which may be why they can't win elections.
Lefty: "George W. Bush ran 2 wars on deficit spending."
Righty: "B. Hussein Obama is doing the same thing."
Lefty: "BSABSVR."
by 3018 January 28, 2011
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