A word made up by an absolute idiot in the House of Representatives. This word and the man who uttered it are perfect examples of everything wrong with America.
Leftist pricks believe amen should also include awomen because they lack basic brain function.
by Ktd10 January 5, 2021
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The dumbest thing anyone has ever said in the history of ever.
"Amen, and Awomen."
by ToastedT0ast January 5, 2021
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Meaning - "I am an idiot"
Originated from Latin-English mixup "Amen and awomen" which translates to "So be it, I am an idiot".
First officially used by popular US congressman and a sexism fanatic on January 03, 2021
Amen and awomen.
Awoman Emanuel, You are such awomen.
by ButtStorm January 6, 2021
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When democrats that complain about appropriating culture appropriate Jewish and Christian religion.
Rep. Emanuel Cleaver: "May we have a blessed day, Amen and Awomen."
by yourlocalwigger January 5, 2021
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The phrase pawned by snowflakes to make themselves feel more powerful, they will claim it is the same as “Amen” but is to take the masculinity out of it by stating “Awomen”. Snowflakes will take this term and attempt to put it into the churches.
You’re an idiot for using Awomen, it is Amen
by Alic Montgomery January 4, 2021
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When you're so blinded by political correctness and feminism that ANY word with "men" in it has to be changed, even if it has nothing to do with males. The world is derived from "Amen", a Hebrew word for "so be it". Used by someone with a low iq and usually a member of the democratic party. These people find the need to be politically correct in ANY word with "man" in it, even if it's not a gendered word
Guide to replacement words

Amen - Awomen
History - Herstory
Impeachment - Impeachwoment
Humanity - Huwomanity
Manipulate - Womanipulate
Manual - Womanual
Manners - Womanners
Management - Womanangement
Manufacture - Womanufacture
Hispanic - Herspanic
Roman Empire - Rowoman Empire
Romance - Rowomance
Performance - Perforwomance
Romania - Rowomania

Oman - Owoman
Yemen - Yewomen
Guyana - Girlana
French Guiana - French Girlana
Turkmenistan - Turkwomenistan

Baghdad - Baghmom

Manchester - Womanchester

Manchuria - Womanchuria
Mandalay - Womandalay

Mail - Femail
Mail Delivery - Femail Delivery
Manhunt - Womanhunt
by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx February 24, 2021
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