The act of going on a trip of some sorts with the sole purpose of hooking up with a specific person at the destination.
Guy 1: Yo where's Griff tonight?
Guy 2: Connecticut I guess, he went to meet up with a broad from school.
Guy 1: Man, Griff loves going on Asscation.
by JSwizz June 12, 2011
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Any person that does something incredibly stupid. ie: dumping bong water all over your friends bed.

See Also: Huge Asscat; Mcbone
"Oh! I'm always the asscat!"
"Man, I'm such the asscat."
"Meow, I'm always the asscat..."
"Don't be an asscat!"
"G Rate! I'm the asscat!"
by Joe Beano & Sticky December 12, 2003
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A rare but potent STD contracted from having buttsex with cats. Most noticeable symptoms are brown curly hair, small tittys, a bad smell and strangely colored pubic hair. (such as polkadots)
-Dude, that chick is one fine mamajamba.
-Yo stay away from her man, Bitch got asscats!
by nicandjon February 1, 2006
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