very crowded, a lot of people in one place
it was ass to balls in that club
by jstagurl July 24, 2008
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Someone who absolutely suck in basketball that they cant play with the big guys
He is ass in ball
by Therealone2000 March 14, 2017
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The act of male testicles slapping their partners ass during sex. The best way to determine the "core"ness of sex is by how hard the males testicles are slapping their partners ass.
He was screwing her so hard those were ass-slapping balls!
by AK_32 October 20, 2013
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an exclamation that something is not pleasing and unexpected.
Jim: "Hey dude your house is on fire!"

by ottomatt May 4, 2011
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Mike Portnoy from Dream Theater's catchphrase. He even hid it in a song in morse code. And he says it a lot too. I find it hilarious, and it can be used in the way you think it could be used.
Teacher - Now, you guys have a 10 page essay due in a week. Muhahahahah!!!

Student - Eat my ass and balls
by Jordan Rudess September 18, 2007
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a game that is made up in teenager's basements... all you need is a ball that bounces and shit to break.

can be kicked, thrown, paddled, etc between two people. the smaller the room, the better.
Jimmy put a huge fucking hole in my wall last time we played assball.
by QBall June 21, 2004
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