The collective underground and singular hive-mind being that keeps the internet turning. A selfless agent of all that is and is not.

Anonymous is the source of internets terror. As one person puts it, He is the entity that comes to save the day when Bad Things® happen to internets, ANONYMOUS IS A MORAL BEING. He never forgives and will always strike a deadly blow onto the unaware masses. BE AWARE: there are a thousand impostors, posing to be the real Anonymous. Don't be deceived... the real Anonymous is behind the corner watching you!

We are Anonymous, and we do not forgive.
We are void of human restraints, such as pity and mercy.
All those who break this pact will be eliminated without hesitation.
Those who perform reckless actions or wish to harm the Anonymous will be eliminated without hesitation.
Failure is not tolerated.
Enemies of the Anonymous include anyone who is not an Anonymous.
Our enemies are to be eliminated swiftly and without incident.
Anonymous must work as one. No Anonymous knows everything.
Betrayal of Anonymous is both impossible and unaccepted.
Manipulation of the weak and innocent is an Anonymous specialty. Once a victim is no longer commodious, they are to be eliminated.
No man-made or natural occurance can harm the Anonymous.
Under no circumstances are Anonymous human. We are above humans and mortality.
Anonymous are not to partake in meaningless tasks. Those who do are to be either reformed or eliminated.
You are legion, for we are many.
Anonymous is everywhere at all times. Yet, singular Anonymous are not permitted to know everything.
All have the potential to be Anonymous until they choose not to. Those who are not Anonymous are to be eliminated.
Anonymous has no weakness or flaw.
Laws of Nature and Man cannot restrain the Anonymous.
Anonymous is one. Feuding and argument amongst the Anonymous is both impossible and unaccepted.
Anonymous is in control at all times.
Anonymous has no identity. Those who are not Anonymous yet know our presence must be eliminated.
Anonymous cannot be contained by mere restraints.
Anonymous are all equal. No one is more or less important then Anonymous.
Anonymous must obey the Code. Those who do not are to be reformed or eliminated.
Anonymous worships nothing.
Anonymous cares for nothing but Anonymous.
Humanity is the virus; Anonymous is the cure.
We are Anonymous, and we do not forgive.
by The Anonymous One May 10, 2007
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A group of activists both in real life and internet universe. Supporting freedom of speech hacking people who think otherwise. Since more and more things are being controlled remotely (on internet), Anonymous makes it easier for you to receive all information your government tries to hide from you. Those who get their computer fried, should install an Antivirus Program. Being able to use and exploit computer technologies when needed for the sake of goodness doesn't make you a nerd. And for people who think they have lives - you don't know who are "Anonymous" in person and you are not the one to judge someone. If you don't know how to turn off your computer when someone is breaking into it, you don't have to call every hacker "Anonymous". Blaming a group of individuals for a crime someone else has made only makes you stereotypical. If a 14 years old managed to fry your computer that is your problem, but for that you should blame only yourself, for not hiding your passwords. You are brave to describe a group without meeting its members. Being unaware of what they really do makes you look like YOU are the the one not going outside and watching their protests. They don't protest for fun, people should read more to realize the truth. Maybe you are constant visitor of 4chan and porn since those are the only associations you know. Though it is not very surprising to me that you get your computer fried after going to porn, furfag websites.
Dedicated for those who are ignorant, posting definitions of what they don't even know. Ignorance. Anonymous are not ignorant.
by 2Anonymous7 May 20, 2011
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The gods of the internet who put trolls and morons in their place, while pwning people. 4Chan anyone?
"It doesn't forgive. It doesn't forget. His group has over 9000 penises and they're all raping children." - Oprah over-reacting to Anonymous trolling on the message group.

by Mamma Luigi November 5, 2009
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Someone who wishes to remain unknown
News Caster ' This person wishes to remain anonymous so she doesn't embarras her friends or family. Back to you Bob'
by georgia baby June 6, 2006
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This is what "they" call themselves. They are hackers on steroids, treating the web like a real-life video game. Sacking websites, invading Myspace accounts, disrupting innocent peoples’ lives - and if you fight back, WATCH OUT!

One such threat from this gang of computer hackers is “Destroy. Die. Attack”. They are able to get at least seven different passwords. They attack innocent people like an INTERNET HATE MACHINE.

They are strong, they do not forgive and they do not forget. Those who fight back face death threats, often to the effect of “I’m gonna ****** slit his throat”. They have even threatened to bomb sports stadiums. They are believed to be domestic terrorists, often occupying themselves with activities such as blowing up yellow vans.

Their name “Anonymous”, comes from their secret websites. These secret websites require anyone posting on the sites to remain anonymous.

Myspace users are among their favourite targets. One such user, known as David, was hacked, and his Myspace was plastered with gay sex pictures, causing his girlfriend to leave him, because she thought he was cheating on her with guys. They hacked his computer by crashing with a virus, and then used his email to infect everyone on his friends’ list.

They kill computers, known to have murdered at least 32 computers, known to have belonged to 32 of the 90 friends David had. David, being the random victim he was, had his password uploaded to an underground hacker site linked to Anonymous. They have access to literally thousands of stolen passwords uploaded to the underground hacker site.

They make victims wonder why they are being attacked. They wreak chaos and disorder and ruin people’s lives. They commit these attacks in order to get lulz, which is a corruption of “LOL”, which stands for “laugh out loud”.

They get big lulz from pulling random pranks. One such prank is messing with online children’s games like Habbo Hotel. These pranks often involve cases of anti-semitism or racism. The pranks are always posted on the internet. Epic lulz, however, come from raids and invasions, which can be signified on the secret underground hacker sites controlled by Anonymous, with the letter “i”. One such example of epic lulz achieved from an invasion was their nationwide plan to destroy the new Harry Potter book ending.

They have organised bomb threats against no less than seven football stadiums, drawing national media attention. This is achieved by loading trucks with radioactive material which would be detonated in the stadiums.

People who try to stop or prevent the activities of Anonymous are branded as “lulz killers”, who are accused of ruining their fun. They rape and kill these “lulz killers”.

They post pictures, home addresses and phone numbers of people, including families and make death threats to these people, especially if they are considered emo bitches.

There are however many solid ways in which Anonymous can be stopped. This can involve electronic security, a phone-tracing system, a dog, and the most disabling of these, curtains.

They are known not to forget about their victims, will not get bored.
"Anonymous: They are Hackers on Steroids"

"Anonymous: They attack in order to get lulz, a corruption of "LOL", which stands for "Laugh Out Loud""
by Man of Chanese Origin August 27, 2009
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An unknown person - when someone shares an image of another person (mainly being turned into a meme) on a group chat. The person who sends this picture normally does not make the memes/edited photos, thats why the person who says "sent by anonymous" says that
Nik_kazlad360: shared a picture (photo of amita)
Nik_kazlad360: sent by anonymous

Amitab123: k den
by theanonymouschai February 15, 2017
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