Annabella is a beautiful, loving, caring, smart, and happy person. She knows when someone is sad and will help them through life. Annabella loves all kinds of food, especially chocolate. She likes being trendy and cool. She has 5 celebrity crushes, she might get with one, some day.
"Omg its Annabella, I'm gonna talk to her"

"Omg how is Annabella so cool"
by Aaaannabella March 21, 2018
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Annabella is beautiful, crazy, friendly, nice, cute, smart, outgoing, and is multi talented. She could be the sexiest girl in the world and wouldn't even know it.
Omg Annabella is amazing!
by itsaunicornbitches! November 2, 2013
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She is the one of the cutest,smartest girls you'll ever meet.If you are lucky You will have a girl named Annabella like me.She is my love,hopefully if you find one yours too!
Guy 1:I'm gonna ask Annabella out!
Guy 2:Dude,you'll be so lucky if she says yes!
by ImnotThatmean April 9, 2018
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a hot, sexy, italian girl who should know she is beautiful no matter what anyone says.
guy 1: who is that hot italian
Guy 2: thats annabella, you don't want her
Guy 1: i don't care what you say thats my girl
by themanyear2011 October 15, 2011
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Annabella is the nicest friend you’ll ever have, she is also the best girlfriend you’ll ever have,She will be there for you no matter what .she is really outgoing when you first meet her.She loves making new friends and she literally talks to everyone,Annabella has long brown hair and deep brown eyes her smile can make anyone feel better.if you ever date an Annabella you will be the luckiest person in the world ,she will care for you,and be there for you and she will love so much.And if you ever marry a Annabella she will be the best wife ever,you and her will grow old and have the beautifulest kids ever and you guys will be the cutest couple ever,Annabella’s love exploring ,she loves going to beaches and she loves traveling,And if she truly loves you she might love you forever,Annabella’s are really over protective of there hubby or boyfriend,so if you ever talk to her hubby or boyfriend just know that she has an eye on you,so be careful.
Omg is that Annabella I really want to talk to her

Damn Annabella is so nice I wanna be friends with her forever
by Lilylover June 21, 2019
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a beautiful girl with a shy outlook but with a fun and outgoing personality once you get to know her. apparently she's not good enough for the guys she knows, so they go for the cliche popular girls
guy 1: i think i like annabella
guy 2: no dude you should like nikki. she's blonde and popular and super boring.
guy 1: yeah you're right. annabella's too different
by jackson122 August 29, 2010
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Smartest,cutest,most nicest girl you could meet!To me she is Everything,The world.You would be lucky like me to have a girl named Annabella.The name itself means life...
Guy 1:Dude I'm gonna ask Annabella out!
Guy 2:Then you'll be holding life in hands!
by ImnotThatmean April 9, 2018
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