the country with the greatest food ever. situated below canada and above mexima
Person 1: hey man, where u from?
Person 2: amerima
Person 1: that's so cool, i love amerima
by Tropical Ocean YT May 17, 2023
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a stupid word made by a stupid russian
1: black pencil

2: amerima
by bl.ued May 6, 2023
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A slang for the word america, the word comes with a replaced r with an o, It comes from the song "Black Pencil".

Amerima is also a person which travels everytime, and a short eater who likes watching cornography. Their possible pronouns is ame/rima or He/Him, which affects if its and amerima or not.
If being used for travel

Dane: Im gonna travel to amerima, dudes

If being used for calling out names

Someone: Theres an amerima dude!
by Wick5 June 21, 2023
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