A god of sex, derived from ancient Greek myths of Alsexian. In the legend of Alsexian, he single-handedly pleased 10 women, 3 young boys, and an octopus, thus capturing the hearts and minds of an entire nation.

aka my moon, bean boi, birdman, dude, my love, he’s a person that can make your whole day just with a good morning text, who sends memes daily, makes you smile from ear to ear, cute butt, makes you feel like the luckiest person alive!
WARNING : once you find one, you’ll never wanna let go!
That hot guy Aleix is pretty Alsexian.
by loveerrrrr November 22, 2021
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A beautiful young girl with a high intellect and understanding, quite verbose, with a fantastic sense of style. Needs to up her self-worth meter because she has no idea how important she truly is to those who care about her.
Bro 1: God dude... Look at Aleix!

Bro 2: I KNOW man! She should be a model!
by DJ Black Space April 13, 2011
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Alexis gets all the bitches it’s unbelievable anyone she wants to love her loves her it’s unbelievable she is the reincarnation of Brody
Hey did you hear Aleixs got her 6 man/woman today
Yah it’s crazy she pulls hella I wish I was her !”
by Poopystain65 February 8, 2022
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