The most beautiful girl you’ll ever meet. She’s quiet, shy, and absolutely adorable. If you get the chance to be with her you won’t let it go, no matter how long you have to wait
Person 1: Look at that cute girl over there
Person 2: Oh, she must be an Alani
by Iris Newon March 26, 2021
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A person who is kind, loving, and always there for you. Alanys are great people and will always have your back no matter the situation. They are sexy and beautiful people and are always ready to care for you. Most Alanys are born in November. If you have an Alany as a friend you are a very lucky person
1)"Wow did you see Alany at that party last weekend, she was really dancing fye, no caps!"

2) I wish I was as amazing and talented as Alany, Isabella wished.
by annoy-mus October 8, 2019
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A girl that likes getting slapped on the ass by short blonde guys. Probably has a minion fetish and probably speaks some foreign language. An illegal immigrant. Hella fun to be around though and lowkey a goddess, even though she can be creepy sometimes
Person 1: "Oh do you see that girl, Alanis?"
Person 2: "Yeah she needs to stop sucking off that yellow little Steve minion man"
by iheartpoachedeggs September 3, 2019
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The most beautiful girl you’ll ever meet. She’s quiet, shy, and absolutely adorable. If you get the chance to be with her you won’t let it go, no matter how long you have to wait
Person 1: Look at that cute girl over there

Person 2: Oh, she must be an Alanie
by dilf 101 November 22, 2021
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A person who is hyperactive while high. May also be described as the name of a lesbian.
1: Hey did you go to the show last night?
2: Yeah. She was being Alanis.
1: Lol.
by Funkyphresh February 24, 2013
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To perform fellatio during the watching of a film in public
Will she go down on you in a theater?" "Yeah man, she gave ma an Alanis the other night!
by JonNoClocks May 17, 2011
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giving falacio to a numerous amount of males in one night
She attempted to pull off an alanis the other night
by Jesse Dirtstash December 26, 2009
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