Take a sock and jizz in it. Once you’re done take a wizz in it. You may then proceed to put it in the freezer. Leave for roughly 24 hours. Now take it out and shove it up your ass. You now have an Alabama sock
Bro Kyle just slapped Tyler across the face with his Alabama sock
by Tractorboi April 6, 2021
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The act of taking a dump in replacement of a bar of soap in order to make a sock mace.
"I didn't have a bar of soap, so I just made an Alabama sock mace instead."
by Nullfied December 26, 2019
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When a man and a woman are deeply in love the woman will defecate into a sock of her choosing and have the man beat her with it till she looses consciousness.
person 1: what you do last night

person 2: my girl made me give her the old Alabama shit sock

person 1: atta boy
by tyrell Mcdangledick November 23, 2020
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Have sex with someone using a condom and cum inside of the condom. When they fall asleep take the condom and put it on their foot.
Sally awoke, horrified, to see that she was wearing an Alabama Wet-Sock.
by KafkaFish August 20, 2011
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When you prolapse your relative’s anus, usually an immediate family member or cousin, during vigorous anal sex and drop the off at the nearest ER with their rectum dangling like a tube sock.
I did the dirty deed with my sister last night and gave her an Alabama Tube Sock. I don’t know if the doctor got it back in or not I haven’t seen her. I been with my cousin all night.
by Eaton Holgoode December 7, 2018
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When you jizz in a sock and then proceed to piss in it. Once you have finished you may proceed to put it in the freezer. Leave it for 24 hours and then stick it up your ass. You have just created and Alabama sock
Dude, I just found Kyle’s Alabama sock
by Tractorboi April 6, 2021
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