An incredibly beautiful girl who spreads happiness everywhere she goes. She is extremely funny and very smart. Everyone loves Ailsa.
person: did you see that girl over there?
person2: yeh she’s such an Ailsa 😍
by justbantainnit June 15, 2019
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Origin: Hong Kong. Cantonese phonetic translation of "Super hot", can also mean "out of your league".
"Man, did she just talk to you?"
"No, she's an Ailsa, I was between her and the door"
by Edward L Cahn December 26, 2018
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The coolest. prettiest, and hottest, girl in ur school, she is always helping people. And is always getting asked out. however she never says yes to more than one guy at the same time.
wow, shes is such a ailsa, i wish i was her! She is so cool, and pretty
by maxine miller April 12, 2005
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Ailsa = love, ailsa = bonebag ailsa = best friend ailsa = special <3
omg its ailsa, wearing panty loons in the garden
by poppy darling August 7, 2006
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Ailsa is such a beautiful name! Ailsa's are so kind, caring, really funny and loving. But not only are Ailsa's funny, they love to laugh. They mostly have brown eyes, along with brown hair as well. Ailsa's stick up for their friends when they need help, but also make sure that people who might not be their friends are alright as well. They are also very active and fit. If you have an Ailsa in your life, my advice is to never let them get hurt, care about them, and most of all, be kind.
"Ailsa is so smart and caring."
"Ya i know I wish I was more like her."
by Emily Webster May 3, 2022
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beautiful girl with tan skin, usually has big eyes and curly hair. can sometimes be a bit of a bitch and is quite moody. is very funny and is nice when she wants to be. is very shy and unconfident. shy unconfident pretty nice bitchy
"i don't want to speak to them"- oh stop being such an ailsa
"they are so ugly"- stop being so ailsa
"do i look okay?" - you look ailsa
by shucksgirl942 July 19, 2011
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Is known as a good boy. She is blonde blueish greenish eyes and likes acting. And sometimes she likes Totoro!
Appiea: yo where y’all dogs tails at?

Ailsa: that was good for you and your mom and she was just wondering if you wanna was the day I wanna was a good night I love you so much and yes yes.
by Jonny boys July 11, 2019
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