3 definitions by Edward L Cahn

Argentinian folk tale about things that come in the night and set fire to your sister. Also refers to a mini-cult of goat milking cheese fetishists on the App Amino.
Suzan: "Daniel, it's 10:30 at night, what could you possibly be doing that requires six crates of goat cheese?"
Daniel: "Greckenflacia."
by Edward L Cahn December 26, 2018
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Singapore slang for "Internet Cult Leader", can also be a play on words which means "A woman who has robot-like superpowers", it's etymological history is a link to the popular, but now defunct, video game called "Atari".
Example #1 "She is the moderator of Greckenflacia on the app Amino, she is such a Tari."

Example #2 "I'm a Tari, what's your superpower?"
by Edward L Cahn December 26, 2018
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Origin: Hong Kong. Cantonese phonetic translation of "Super hot", can also mean "out of your league".
"Man, did she just talk to you?"
"No, she's an Ailsa, I was between her and the door"
by Edward L Cahn December 26, 2018
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