The weirdest but best person you'll every meet. She will always help you when you feel down. If you are and Aidian you're really lucky. Aidians are very random and weird but they'll be your very best friend if you get close to them. They are very protective and will always support you :D
Person 1: Woah that girl over there is so weird and random
Person 2: That must be an AIDIAN
Aidian: YE! IT'S A ME! MARIO
by DJCandyCane December 6, 2018
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a person who is kind and can rude if needed to. she has long hair and makes plenty of jokes. a great friend and not too bad. very caring of others and socially awkward. but still a great person
Person 1 "whos that person over there."
person 2" oh that must be an Aidian."
person 1" how?"
person 3" she has long hair and alone."
by Dogguy234 December 6, 2018
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Aidian is a thicc queen that looks like a girl but is really a guy. Aidians have really loud voices and is a fake anime fan Aidians like to ask weird questions like what's your breathing pattern

Caleb:Y R U gay he is man
Liam:dang it
by Caleb69lol December 14, 2019
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Aidian an odd individual with extreme amounts of homophobic tendencies. Inability to go more then three minutes with out breaking or creating a new relationship.
Wow your such an aidian I feel sorry for you.
by Grells sexy chainsaw February 28, 2017
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An irish bitch ass hoe. Likes to listen to shitty metal and hangs out with spray paint huffers.
Did you hear about that car bombing?
Must've been Aidian again
by Joe nuts 12 October 26, 2020
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