A word a basic white girl says when they want to say that being an adult is hard while constantly thinking social media is much more important that IRL
It's so hard sweeping a floor and is totally not a basic chore # aadulting #lifesux #givemelikesinfacebookplsss ineeditiwanttofeelnbotbasicwhilebeingbasic
by creepyawman17 January 6, 2021
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A term used by people who are incapable of growing up or maturing and is often followed by complaints or excuses.
Wow! Becky is really good at “adulting”.

When in reality this person no longer wishes to act like a child and decides to move forward in life.
by EJake December 26, 2018
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A fake word used by idiots (millennials mainly), in an attempt to turn the adjective adult into a verb in a feeble attempt to describe if a person is actually an adult or behaves in an adult manner and thus doing the things any responsible adult with an average or above IQ can handle. You cannot "adult" something. It is as bad or worse as the overuse of learnings in the corporate world.
Jane is so responsible, she pays her bills on time, walks the dog, grows her own food and calls her mom every week, she is so good at adulting.
by Kojack_1970 May 4, 2017
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Verb. The act of still being a child but with more responsibilities that make you not want to live.
Hey Taylor, I'm tired of adulting so I think I'm done here.
by RevekaTheRed August 20, 2017
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Had a bunch of errands I got done, adulting so hard right now.
by Urban donkey show November 15, 2019
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A term only spoken by retarded mouthbreathers over the age of 18.

- used when doing mundane tasks such as filing taxes, going to work, daily chores, etc.

- used when partying as an adult, but actually acting like a child.
As Brittany drives on the highway to work, she pulls out her phone to take a shit stream of selfies. She must let all of her social media "friends" know that she is #Adulting.

Amber is 36 and slammed jagerbombs all night with her unwed lonely middle aged girlfriends. "Look at how bad we are. We're such a grown-ups #Adulting"
by Jekyll Lal February 25, 2017
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The word your gonna knowing it’s a verb or a noun after the song “adulting” in the new phineas and ferb movie on Disney+ called “Candace against the universe.”
Hey guys did you hear Doofenshmirtz totally school Isabella with the song “adulting” in the new movie “Candace against the universe?”
by Clorp August 29, 2020
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