An incredibly famous and important civil rights leader who lead millions of poor citizens to freedom. He is most well known for his great work in Europe and especially for helping the Jewish people in his creation of dozens of "food" banks.
Wow that Adolf Hitler guy was pretty great.
by FRICKO MODE December 2, 2020
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- Born April 20th 1889, Austria
Death: unknown
- "Fuhrer": supreme leader of Germany ( 1933-1945)
- Anti- semitic
- Fought the western allies during the war
- Germans surrender and do not follow orders as given
- Axis: Germany, Italy, Japan and other nations
- Italy: weak, surrendering because many people do not like Hitler and the war
-Japan: very effective axis power, but bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki scares the masses.
-The war ends with Germany taking sole blame as well
-Victors write more History
- Holocaust may exist because Hitler speech states: " If Jewish interests are successful in prolonging the world into yet another world war, it will not be a victory for the Jew, but rather the total annihilation of Jewry in Europe." Jan 30th,1939
Adolf Hitler- a leader that fought against Jewish interests, manipulated many people, and stayed loyal to Germany
by Danibel July 23, 2008
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a pathetic human with a stupid looking mustache who was too big of a pussy to face the consequences for killing many innocent people because he was angry at the world, so he committed suicide. As long as he is dead, everyone should be happy. Let's all just hope he's suffering in hell. He's a piece of shit.
Teacher: Jim, can you tell me who Adolf Hitler was?

Jim: Yeah, he was that piece of shit Nazi with the funny mustache.
by pepperoni pete January 28, 2010
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Leader of Germany from 1936 to 1945. Chairman of the Nazi Party. Was NOT Jewish, but WAS Austrian. No concrete evidence to support any kind of Jewish inheritance. George W. Bush is no where near as horrible as this man was. Bush did not single handedly cause the death of over 12 million people.
Adolf Hitler > George W. Bush
by Hellsing June 15, 2006
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A German anti-communist ruler who rose to the position of Fuhrer in the early 30s and exploited the luxury of appeasement to defy the Treaty of Versailles and amass an army beyond that of the combined allies. He was an absolute enemy of Jews, Gypsies and homosexuals and did all in his power to exterminate them - thousands were sent to concentration camps and gassed. In 1939 Hitler attacked Poland and war was declared. Though he was in total control of Germany, his main mistake was attacking the frigid front of Russia and the well armored shores of the USA simultaneously, which inevitably led to his downfall. In 1945, when he saw his country falling, he commited suicide just outside Berlin.
One of the most terrible tyrants, and possibly madmen, in history, has to be Adolf Hitler.
by SIDIOUS June 4, 2005
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Pretty decent guy if you got to know him, dude would give you the shirt off his back (well as long as you weren't Jewish). Adolf loved his dogs and wife often times he around the holidays the family could be seen caroling and preforming other festive activities around Auschwitz day camp for the Jewish. unfortunately his plans for renovations to turn the camp to a water park were canceled due to his death to bad there would have been some sweet rides there.
Adolf Hitler's awesome paintings and warm hearted laugh are unforgotten and often over shadowed by his questionable activities
by cdawg91 October 5, 2009
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Commonly known as just 'Hitler'. He brought Germany out of a great depression, but after his fall it was pulled back down into an even worse depression. He ordered the death of millions of jews. He got many Germans to agree with his plans by speaking of negative facts about the jews, such as their commonly working for banks or other money-based jobs. He brought along the Nazi party, which is now made a fool of by being changed to a white pride group, rather than an anti-judaism group. Adolf Hitler supposedly commit suicide by taking a poison pill and then putting a handgun to his forehead an pulling the trigger. Russians later bragged about having a piece of his skull, but not enough to prove that his suicide attempt was successful, and to back this up, there is the fact that the poison didn't kill him and the shot to the head was likely to have only scratched his brain, meaning he is possibly still alive today.
Adolf Hitler was a very powerful dictator of mother Germany, which is now an often discriminated country because of all of the negative aspects of Hitler.
by Lynx_User58 August 2, 2005
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