
to ruin a perfectly good beatles' song by adding the unnecessary details from the film "Across the Universe" songs
Me: "Hey Jude..."

Punk: "Judeyyy Judeyy JUUDEYY!"

Me: "Stop Across the Universing a good SONG! jerk."
by Nicole a true Beatles Fan September 11, 2008
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to ruin a perfectly good beatles' song by adding the unnecessary details from the film "Across the Universe" songs
Me: "Hey Jude..."

Punk: "Judeyyy Judeyy JUUDEYY!"

Me: "Stop Across the Universing a good SONG! jerk."
by Nicole a true Beatles Fan September 11, 2008
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A wonderfully amazing song by the Beatles. Also, it is an AMAZING movie, made of all Beatles songs, characters based off of Beatles songs, and amazing interpretation of the Beatles songs!
"The Beatles song, Across the Universe is great!"

"So is the movie!!!"
by Whitney Paige May 14, 2009
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One of the best films since Edward Scissorhands. It contains Beatles songs, talented actors/actresses, romance, sadness, happiness, art, and it is set in a decade where there were things to live for.
Hey Jude, don't make it bad. Take a sad song and make it better.

Army Sergeant: Is there any reason you shouldn't serve in the United States Army?
Max: I'm a cross-dressing homosexual pacifist with a spot on my lung.
Army Sergeant: As long as you don't have flat feet...

Me: I love Across the Universe!
Friend: Jim Sturgess is hot.
Me: Oh, yes, he is.

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(noun) best musical or movie ever to be made. has beatles music and acid trips.
"The greatest movie ever is Across the Universe."
by dfowhowgf October 19, 2007
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best movie ever, a musical completely made of songs by the beatles
SHIT Across the universe is in theatres! let's go on a cut and see that!!!!
by Trax90 October 22, 2007
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only the best musical ever!! its all beatles songs, and its sort of weird, but still, its a great movie. if you havent seen it, go rent it RIGHT NOW
by chocolategrape March 1, 2008
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