UK definition: an adjective used by the younger generation to describe something really cool, good, enjoyable.
This website is wicked
How wicked was that film?
Mate, that is wicked
by Nixsta December 11, 2004
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Modifier, often for an adjective, used primarily in New England, especially Massachusetts, also Maine and the UK. In its traditional MA usage, "wicked" will ALWAYS precede another word, a true New Englander will never say merely "That was wicked." In cases of extreme emotion, it will often be preceded or followed by "fucking."

traditional: Sean of the Dead was a wicked good movie.

extreme: I am wicked fucking pissed that Lost hasn't been on.

Mutiple usage: Fucking Batman Begins is a wicked fucking excellent movie.

In serious duress: Fucking Johnny Damon is a god damn wicked fucking traitor. Fucking Yankees. I hate the fucking Yankees a wicked fucking lot.
by lala38 December 28, 2005
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used as really or from mass and get made fun of if i use it anywhere other than her which is wicked gay
hey that shirt is wicked cool

*if you ever use this word without an ajective after it you'll sound like a jackass... hey how'd this word spread from massachusetts anyway? if you use or have used it and you dont live in new england then you suck wicked bad.
by goobiethegoober April 29, 2005
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The nature of something being wick.

Wick(ed) qualities.
"The Iron Chef did that risotto with much wickness."
"You're oozing wickness."
by AuntyChookie January 24, 2009
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A term mostly used in Massachusetts. The term replaces "very," and "really." The word MUST have an adjective after it or it just does not work.

Note: Not all Massachusetts folks speak without an "r." That is only the Boston people.
"Dude, that is wicked awesome"
"I can't believe I got a speeding ticket, that is wicked retarded"
by The Loch ness monster January 1, 2006
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replacement for really
originated in Salem MA because of the witch trials. changed the word meaning from bad to really to promote tourism and eliminate their bad name.

used more freqwently in Massachuesetts than other New England states.
-do not use if you weren't born and raised in New England. it's just common curtasy, we dont go around saying "ya'll"
i was wicked pissed wen tha sox traded nomar
by me August 2, 2004
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