when someone says something that is stupid, you have a bruh moment.
someone: *says something dumb*

me: bruh moment
by an epic gamer February 4, 2019
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A Bruh Moment is an emotional reaction where someone can also physically react with, "Bruh"depending on the "Bruh velocity", The bigger the velocity, the longer the "Bruh Moment" is. For an Example, My wife took the kids, that is equal to a minimum Bruh Moment. You running out of pizza roles, equals to a higher percentage of a longer Bruh Moment.
My dad hasn't brought the milk yet.

Omg where's the pizza roles???

Dad what's a bruh moment? *Doesn't have a dad*

Wow that's a bruh moment
by tlydangelo on insta July 18, 2019
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When you realize you fricked up so damn badly that you consider game ending yourself
You clap a girls checks and she tells you she’s a furry
by jikfer November 22, 2019
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Stacey: I just got killed by a sword in Rust
Giandro: bruh moment
by 2dumpsterfirez September 21, 2020
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