Weeb or weaboo is a person on the internet who likes the japanese culture so much that they become obsessed with it to the point of being cringeworthy. Lighter term for weeb is "otaku" which is just a person who enjoys japanese entertainment
Why do anime fans act so cringy? What a bunch of weebs.
by yo_cho March 18, 2018
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Person 1: What are your thoughts on weebs?

Person 2: They are absolute degenerates
by Jimmythelegend33 November 26, 2020
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a person who enjoys anime.
"are you watching anime?"
"do you like watching it?"
",,y es"

"you're probably a weeb."
by anime weeb, duh June 16, 2020
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Plural of weeb which is the monosyllabic contraction of weeaboo (aka wapanese).
Person A: Have you heard of this new site? It's called niconico.com

Person B: Yeah, why would you even go on there though? It's filled with weebs who pretend they know Japanese culture but don't even know enough of the language to browse the real thing.
by wktk July 5, 2011
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A person who touches themself to anime, usually female
by Lowonk January 22, 2018
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Someone that says owo for legit no reason

(owo is a japenese emoji that expresses: shock, surprise etc.)
Guy1: I went to casino today, it was fun!
Weeb: OwO
by iZenic May 9, 2018
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