the scale used by Dr. Kinsley in the movie Kinsley. 0 being compleltly heterosexual and 6 being complelty homosexual.
"on a 0-6 scale, most people married range from a 2-3 which is astounding to me"
by watafxup August 17, 2006
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When u press every non-letter on your keyboard
No one would attempt this `~1!2@3#4$5%6⁷&8*9(0)-_=+{}\|;:,<.>/?
by Jawbie October 8, 2018
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its a way of writing the number "127'
these arent random
some of you might notice a pattern
1+1 is 2 so you do
1+1+2 which is 4
1+1+2+4 = 8
1+1+2+4+8 + 16

when you get to 16 break it down to single digit and add them seperately so
you will get 23 so

1 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 1 + 6 + "2 + 3"
i suck at explaining things
did you know 1+1+2+4+8+1+6+2+3+2+8+3+8+4+9+6+2+7+0+7+7+9+1+1+0+1+1+3+1+7+1+1+5+1+2+2 is a way of writing 127
by cosmnik June 7, 2021
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The coolest guitar riff ever, from the song Shine On You Crazy Diamond by Pink Floyd. Played, in the written order, on strings 3, 5, 4, and 6.
Paul: *plays 8 6 0 0*
Jim: Woah dude where'd you learn that? Teach me!
by MrDollars0113 February 7, 2021
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geheime code om penetratie van achteren te beschrijven. vaak wordt het gebruik om de context van een situatie te wijzigen.
ze zei tegen me dat ze hield van 1 0 6.
by kaasbroodje95 February 15, 2019
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