People born on this day is the most amazing, beautifull, perfect Angel Childs ever
Person 1: How are you so amazing
Person 2: im born on 5. May
Person 1: ohh now that makes sense
by TheNuggieLover February 13, 2021
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5 may Is The day when you need to go and find a boyfriend
Brother: today Is 5 may ya know what that means?
Sis: yes! Today Is the day when i can find a boyfriend!
by Minkiminni November 3, 2019
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The 5 may is the national „walk a day away“ day. People who were born on this day should take a great walk on their birthday (everyone else too).
„Oh look, tomorrow is the 5 may“
„That’s great, wanna go for a walk then ?“

„sure, i mean it’s the national walk a day away day, duh“
by yeee haaaw November 15, 2019
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May 5th is flip off that bitch who won’t stop being a bitch just because she hates your gut
Fuck you for being a bitch!! It’s May 5th and I’m finally telling you you’re a bitch🖕🖕🖕
by Oopsguessimmabitch April 30, 2021
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On May 5 you bow down to the king/queen that was born on that day.
Jim( walks in classroom

Jim: dude what are y’all doing

Teacher: shhh, it’s May 5
Jim: why is everyone on the ground.
Teacher: security
by Kingloaf October 18, 2019
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Appreciate every good person in your life day!
Tell all the people you love just how much you love and appreciate them.
Grandma it’s May 5 so I wanted to call you to tell you how much I love you.
by Your child April 13, 2019
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If you are born on this day, you are most likely the normal height for your age, with a lot of interests and talents. Your also funny, normally with a big friend group, and sometimes shy. Most of the time you hang out with other funny people. You love to try new things and are especially talented in the musical area.
Person: Hey what are you doing?
A person that was born on May 5: just trying new things!
Person: wow your really good at that! Did you just start doing that?
Person that was born on May 5: yeah!
by Person111222333444555 November 9, 2019
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