2 definitions by Person111222333444555

If you are born on this day, you are most likely the normal height for your age, with a lot of interests and talents. Your also funny, normally with a big friend group, and sometimes shy. Most of the time you hang out with other funny people. You love to try new things and are especially talented in the musical area.
Person: Hey what are you doing?
A person that was born on May 5: just trying new things!
Person: wow your really good at that! Did you just start doing that?
Person that was born on May 5: yeah!
by Person111222333444555 November 9, 2019
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Normally used when you laugh weirdly or if you are pretending to laugh. Also can be used if you slightly laugh at a non-funny joke.
Knock knock
“Who’s there?”
Who who?”
“Are you an owl?”
by Person111222333444555 November 9, 2019
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