1337 is basically the 1337 way of saying elite. One who is elite often speaks in 1337 to put across this message, though crappy players often use the to try and appear 1337 (elite).

Some common 1337 words:
1337- elite
pwn- own (kick the ass of)
h4xx0r- hacker
5uxxz0r- sucker
n00b- newbie, crappy person
STFU- shut the f*ck up
OMFG- oh my f*cking g*d
R0FL/\/\GD/\/\F40- rolling around floor laoughing my g*d damn mother f*cking ass off!
j00- you

Over 1337ing should be avoided at all costs. It looks untidy. And in an online game it is
a) hard to type without dieing
b) hard for team mates to read without dieing
OMFG pwn3d j00 du/\/\b h4xx0r n00b! j00 wi11 d13 @ 51o\/\/ p4infu11 d347h b17ch!
by Smo July 9, 2005
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Being the best
Wow, The3nemy(PSN) is soo fUcking 1337
by the3nemy November 30, 2008
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A way that 13 year old morons type in their blogs/livejournals/whatever while using other badly spelled words, limited punctuation and very few capital letters.
Apparantly, back in the dark ages it was used by hackers but right now it is only used by people with the IQ's of grapes to appear 'cool'.
1337 speak is for m0r0ns. w00t.
by Caraga. March 26, 2005
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'leet' or elite in hacker speak. Originally from a group called Dead Cow but spread through forums and sites like a virus and now all the n00bs say it. Also (apparently) one of the favourite phrases of ad0 and ek0, 'famous' hackers on the circuit. People who aspire to become hackers use it. Also used as a term for substituting numbers and letters so instead of saying restocker you'd say r35t0ck3r.
'ZOMG this is so 1337!'

'u r a 1337 r35t0ck3r!'
'Oh please, you are way more 1337 than me!'
'you're both n00bs for even using 1337.'
by SkrewyRebirth March 21, 2006
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code for "HELP ME I CANT GET LAID" used by computer geeks worldwide
"yo dude you are so 1337"
"shut up man your more 1337 than me"
by Jimt September 17, 2004
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1337 flipped upside down spells leet, kind-of like the internet slang equivalent to 8008135. People put it as their clan tag in video games, or as their password on their PC's. No one really uses it anymore, it's more of a 2000s thing, so it's got a certain stigma behind it in that weird, in-joke kind of way. Also, there's lots of people using that as an excuse for otherwise lame screenshots. Better yet, just leave this number alone. It's already overused.
That frag was 1337, you could go pro 801.
Hey, I screen-sh0tted this at 1337 just for you.
by RedRico June 15, 2018
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A word derived from 'leet'. Simply meaning 'awesome' or 'the greatest'. This word was first used by hackers as a code. Soon after, a 'internet code' was created, using numbers as letters.
1 == L
3 == E
4 == A
5 == S
6 == G
7 == Y
8 == B
0 == O
This is a launguage used to sort of encrypt messages from hackers. It's first 'public' use was found in the Online Game Counter-Strike. All online games picked this up. Now, 1337 has changed. It now uses many ASCII Characters to make words now. Many forms of 1337 are out there. Now adays symbols could mean different things. It's a launguage constat;y being re-built.
411 '/0|_||2 8453 4|23 83|_0/\/6 70 |_|5 == Total 'new age' 1337 Conversion

I 4m 50 1337 7h47 I 5m311 1ik3 ch3353 == Orignal 1337 Conversion.

| |20x0|2 '/0|_||2 80x0|2'5! == I roxor your boxors. ( A casual taunt )
by Jessen June 30, 2003
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