A first year student in law school whose time consists of drinking coffee, going to class, studying, reading cases, not sleeping, drinking more coffee, making outlines instead of just downloading them from outlines.com, drinking more coffee, briefing cases...
John is a 1L, that's why he still briefs cases he's assigned; he just doesn't know any better yet
by Steve Saunders April 6, 2008
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The first and longest of numerous acts of hazing required to enter the law profession.
That 1L gunner took my favorite study carrel at the lawbrary.
by 1L of a Creep May 14, 2013
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Someone who might have been cool last year, but this year is consumed with talking about cases, grades, and a class rank that doesn't exist yet.
"The library is full of 1Ls. I'm glad I'm not a 1L!"
by jessmichelleandyryan March 9, 2007
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short for Juanell, one of this world greatest humans, he who will chill in heaven with Christ and his farther GOD
thats 1L most awesome!!!
by Cosmic Pope October 30, 2010
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Reference to the 2014 world cup where Germany beat Brazil 7-1 in the semi-final. This is also said to be one of the most humiliating defeats in football.
Brazil more like BRA7:1L!
by kaiser Wilhelm February 18, 2018
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