The word "Fuck" spelt in Regional Indicator Symbol emoticons. Must be spelt with spaces, or else shows up as 🇫🇺🇨🇰 on some devices.
Plistinblitzen: Oh hai Jesus.
Alphanumeral: I'm glad I tried to meet Jesus.
Gecock42069: Hey you
Hodgepodgeman123: u w0t m8?
Gecock42069: 🇫 🇺 🇨 🇰 you.
Jesus777: Wait, that's illegal.
Alphanumeral: you watch rvb?
Jesus777: *incinerates Gecock42069*
Plistinblitzen: Wait
Jesus777: What
Plistinblitzen: If he dies while he's death, then where does he go?
Jesus777: oh noes
Alphanumeral: oh noes
Hodgepodgeman123: oh noes
Plistinblitzen: oh noes
Server: *universe explodes*
by Lightwalker360 March 16, 2020
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