n. A profane word in the Japanese language that's equivalent to calling someone a retard in English. In Japan, it is rarely used, except in some sarcastic joking dilemmas, or when someone's doing something that completely messes up everything, typically a group project. However, this word can sometimes be heard/seen in common manga or anime, typically shounen anime where it's more action oriented.

This word is often used with Katakana, or "fragment kana"; a writing system in Japanese to emphasize things or refer to foreign loan-words, such as ケタイ (r. ketai, means cellphone), カメラ (r. kamera, literally) or even Japanese words that can be simplified, such as メガネ (r. megane, meaning eyeglasses).
(What the fuck is this, you dickhead? You stupid fucking bastard! Come here!)
by bumboklaatry January 2, 2021
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