after a word you just type and you're not sure of the spelling, just put (sp?); means the spelling of the word is probably wrong.

EXAMPLE: This exmple (sp?) sucks. NOTICE how I spelled "Example" wrong.
by Steve May 8, 2003
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Small Penis Syndrome: People (usually male) who demonstrate through aggresively thoughtless, demeaning, assholic behavior that they they are poorly-endowed.
I can tell by the way you took up two parking spots that you have SPS.
by blueme May 25, 2011
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Text slang popularized by the instant messaging age, used to ask if the spelling of a preceding word is correct. Seen more often in discussion forums where grammar is emphasized.
by Shendal June 7, 2006
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Saucy Puppet Show. Term taken from Futurama when Fry tells Bender to go see a saucy puppet show so he can sleep with a hot and dumb date.
Send your roomie a text message saying "go see a sps"
by addictedtogaming November 17, 2006
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The most widely-used abbreviation for the word "spelling".
Alright, who uranated in the teapot again? {sp. intentional}
by Telephony February 15, 2012
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South Park Studios. The production company behind the long-running animated sitcom South Park. Also the name of the website hosting all episodes of the show.
The new episode is up on SPS!
Awesome, let's watch it.
by Fresh Kid Ice April 4, 2011
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Short for "Starting Price". Originally a gambling term for the odds that would pay-out on horse races. In modern usage it is a generic term used when one wishes to receive a clear and concise response. Similar to an "executive summary". Used in the UK in the same way as "bottom line" in the USA.
Reg: What's the SP on that Richard of yours?
Johnny; Judy? Fine no problem.
by ALT-F4 November 24, 2012
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