a slang term used as a substitute for good day. This term is the greatest word ever invented by Australians!
G'day mate, hows it goin? Wanna hit up the pub tonite and drink another keg?
by twangos flaming budds July 21, 2003
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ausie contraction for good day, same as hello or sup, greeting
by Big White November 11, 2003
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(Aus.) Possibly shortened form of 'good day', but can be used in place of 'hello' or 'hi'.
by Mad Walrus August 7, 2002
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just another word for hi, because im australian i natrually say it and for people who are coming to australia don't try and put g'day in every sentence you look stupid.
g'day mate hows your mrs, g'day who won in footy
by madaussie July 4, 2009
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A word that bogan Australian's use to greet each other. Not very commonly used in the city areas especially Sydney. It is a beautiful part of the Aussie slang.
aussie 1: *cooking snags*
aussie 2: *walks up to aussie 1*
aussie 1: G'day mate!
by shawnmendess June 13, 2019
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