When you wipe ejaculate From your hand/hands (I’f you’re giving a double handi) on and around your mouth / face after giving a handjob.
My girl kitten pawed all over here face after I busted a nut in her hand. Best handjob ever
by The taco daddy April 3, 2021
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a sexual turn-on where one partner pretends to be the sick baby kitten and the other pretends to be the mom who saves the kittens life
sequoia: my husband and i were having some trouble being sexually turned-on by each other..but then we tried the "mama kitten" and now you can barely get us out of bed!
redwood: wow my fiancee and i should try that..
by charlotticka July 31, 2013
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Basically a general definition of any strip mall Chinese restaurant fare that is ready in “10 minute” and you question the quality and origin of the “meat” involved.
I ordered General Tso Chicken from Jade Shack but I have a feeling it was actually General Meow’s Kitten because it tasted funny. I swear it had to be walking on 4 legs earlier in the week.
by PuffyRI July 11, 2022
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The highly illegal act of a ring of pedophiles trafficking children.
That dude went to jail for kitten juggling, yeah they found 6 kids in his basement.
by SilenceIsGoldenNapalmIsHot March 15, 2021
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