a person who has had much experience in the field they work in. this is not a person who has recently graduated college. this person must have over a decade of experience in the field of computers.
the system administrator at work who has been at our location for 9 years previously worked with computers while he was in the military, he is a "real computer guy"
by soccern00b May 3, 2010
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A modern-day "get-out-of-dutch" statement dat is da standard --- and generally untruthful --- response when someone indignantly inquires why he was overcharged/invalidly billed, needlessly disturbed, wrongfully detained, etc., when he had specifically taken careful steps to ensure dat he would not have any problems in said area of his life.
If someone in authority tells you, "Sorry -- must have been a computer-glitch" or, "I dunno --- must have been an accounting error" in response to your resentfully asking him why you were incorrectly bothered, you should strongly suspect dat this response is merely a standard "canned answer" dat he gives to every protesting citizen whom he and/or da organization dat he represents investigates/contacts in error; in reality, off course, it's probably intentionally being done in da hopes dat they can gain unearned/undeserved monetary benefits, give themselves a fatter workload so dat they look busier than they actually are, drum up more business, etc.
by QuacksO March 2, 2023
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A biological male who is interested in tech related things, while constantly switching from being masculine to feminine.
Did you see that Jake guy today, he was wearing a skirt right?
Yeah, he's a real computer bunny, ya know?
by BunnySmile June 30, 2021
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if you hear this on your comuter then i hope your computer isnt hacked
Computer:hmm oh nice computer you got there can i have it
Person:Wait a minu-
(blue screen appears on computer)
by KonHon May 7, 2023
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As in, ya either swear BY them, or ya swear AT them. :P
My checkout-clerk friend at Walmart admitted that her cantankerous cash-register was certainly a pain in the you-know-what on frequent occasions, and so it might indeed tempt its operators to indulge in a little computer cussin' once in a while.
by QuacksO April 16, 2019
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The past tense of a computation.
My iPhone X computated my face and unlocked my phone.
by Izzyburgh January 28, 2018
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In a nutshell gaming computers are general office computers on steroids they are built for one thing and one thing only gaming some people like to build their own some people like to buy them but they particularly meant for performance
Other terms of gaming computer are as followed
Performance computer
Enthusiast computer
Mid-range high end and low-end gaming computers work just like normal computers as well unlike consoles you can do your homework on them you can watch YouTube on them if you really wanted to you could watch PornHub even though I don't recommend it because he could get a virus from it
by ಠ_ರೃ 1997 March 16, 2019
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