(Adj.) The state of awareness by those dumb enough to find injustice in everything except their own behavior
Sasha said she was woke and pro choice because nobody wanted to fuck her.
by Jew_intheright February 22, 2023
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What is today’s meaning of woke
by February 11, 2022
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Derogatory term of hate used by alt-right simps and incels drowning in a sea of racial/gender/sexual identity animus to demonize anyone who believes minorities and members outside their group deserve equal treatment.
Jesse thinks people should be able to marry whomever they want, that woke asshole.
by DaBop September 13, 2022
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To wake up within a world of indoctrination after reading a critical mass of western propaganda, whilst what is actually important around the world is completely owing to your diverted attention.
Woke guy:
"I've lately become more woke on China and their treatment of minorities, not to mention their lack of gay rights"
Someone else:
"I was reading some translated international news about US leaving the UN Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty, why the US military are pushing into everyone else's borders and not vice-versa, and China's success in abolishing their poverty"
Woke guy:
by Random wanderer April 25, 2021
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Woke actually is about the patience of modern, simple, self absorbed people. They have patience with not destroying the world because they know that there are people who are worse off; like suffering people. Woke is when these self absorbed people wake up and lose their patience because they will find out that these suffering people were the reason there was any patience in the first place. This will be the end of the world (it's also because of nerds who are odd, talkative, and condescending with dumb faces, and weird rockstar, girl-like bodies).
Your martyrdom has me woke and needing some privacy and relief.

If you were woke, you'd be burning down the village.
by Mrrogers257 July 15, 2022
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These days if you're not considered racist enough you get called "woke," which is apparently considered an insult -- at least, the racists think it's insulting. The rest of us, not so much.
He thinks minority groups have rights just like us.
He is so woke!
by Pale Tiger May 24, 2023
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A word that’s been made bereft of meaning due to suckers who hate and blame progressive for their own failures in life using it to describe everything since 2012.
Person A: “That Movie’s Woke!”
Person B: “You’ve said that about 500 things this year. Give a criticism with an ounce of substance.”
by Colonel Kakarrot November 24, 2022
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