this is a great saying, very addictive to say and it rolls of your tounge. it was created by one of our new group members and it means when there is a new friendship group; or a change in one consistent friend group which is noticedz
by newgroupp May 17, 2021
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When a group of people all know the answer to a question individually, but none of them can remember while together. Usually resolved when the group dissolves.
Geez, when we were at dinner, group forget set in and nobody could remember who played Goose in Top Gun, but as soon as I got in the car, Eureka! It was Anthony Edwards!
by paschasc October 8, 2008
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“Hey look there’s a teenage mutant ninja turtles

Teenage mutant ninja turtles: Group of 5 turtles with the colors red, purple, blue, and orange

Group of turtles
by Alexandria:) May 23, 2021
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The one person in a community group chat, who regardless of age, is annoyingly friendly and only sends “May God Bless You” flower pictures or other impersonal greetings daily.
A: Hey, why did you leave the group chat?
B: The group chat grandma kept sharing minion memes and I couldn’t take it anymore.
by SadIrony May 26, 2021
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When a woman systematically friend zones all guys in a group of friends.
Guy A: Man, Vicky friendzoned me yesterday
Guy 2: Yea she's gonna group zone all of us. She got me last week.
by Fedorian May 23, 2016
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"IBF Group" is a discord group owned by "dud<3"

This group is a kind and caring server !!

Join >
Hey, wanna join IBF Group?
by IBF Group Holder May 31, 2021
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1. n.
The best group in the history of groups. The very groupest of groups. If you wanna get grouped up, you gotta group with the group group.

3. adj.
A word to describe the kind of group that occasionally gets pizza on some Fridays.

4. v.
When you group too much and now you gotta do more grouping.
Bruh, I need a group
Have you tried Dearing Group?
Not yet bruh

You guys Dearing Grouped yet?
Nah, dave, we still grouping.

Yo, anyone wanna get pizza rn since it's Friday and we haven't done pizza in like 6 weeks?
Hell yeah you little fucking moron! I love that we're a Dearing Group friend group!
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