An asexual display of male dominance, often involving alcohol and individuals compromised by overconsumption, requiring the symmetric positioning of one’s scrotum (left testicle-left eye socket/right testicle-right eye socket) and penis along the bridge of another’s nose. The orientation must be sufficient to give the appearance of The Late Roman ridge helmet (a combat helmet of Late Antiquity worn by soldiers of the Late Roman army).
This fraternity brother must be an accomplished history major given the exquisite Roman Helmet he just slapped on the dome of that young pledge.
by Raws Dye January 3, 2021
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A version of docking in which one participant wears a condom (for safety or other reasons).
George is just getting to know Rocco and doesn't feel comfortable docking with him without a condom and prefers the Roman Tortoise method
by M-Tip November 16, 2021
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Tooth floss that has been soaked and marinated in urine and feces.
I'd like to give a cheater a swirlie some day. Maybe a roman floss.
by ayclamato March 1, 2022
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to be stupid, foolish and on crack in excess; "foo"ish
That is so mad Roman, foo! You can't talk to the penguins
by Jebus February 27, 2003
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Ao è l’espressione romana per eccellenza. Ha molteplici significati, che variano in base al tono della voce. I più comuni sono: stupore, rimprovero, strafottenza, tristezza, sarcasmo, esaustione, dolore. Questi sono i più usati, ma ce ne sono molti altri, in base al contesto, al tono ed altre variabili.
Si può tradurre con “ehy” ma molto approssimativamente, poiché “Ao” esprime il tuo stato d’animo, quello che pensi e quello che senti dentro. È vietato scrivere Aho, Aoh, HAo, oppure Il Divino Proietti (Portatore di pace e di ogni cosa bella) farà irruzione in casa vostra e vi picchierà a sangue. È permesso scrivere sui social 🅰️🅾️, esattamente come è permesso scrivere ne🅱️ro o ni🅱️🅱️a.
Examples for Roman Ao
“Ao ma che cazzo stai a fa”
“Ao ma che palle questa”
“Ao ma te hai capito?”
“Ao hai rotto er cazzo”
“Ao a nfame fracico l’animaccia deli peggio mortacci tua
by Arturo il Duro April 28, 2020
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A follower of Roman facism.

(Roman facism: The ideology that there's a superior Roman race (ie. the imperials), Romans are demigods who should be worshipped by foreigners, Rome is superior, blonde-barbarians are inferior & should be executed, The Roman Empire should be restored, the Caesars are gods, the Roman military should continously patrol the streets, all Roman citizens should be patriots of Rome & Rome should be glorified with annual parades).
(e.g: The Roman facist believes that the Romans are the superior gods of civilization who invented the world & that the Germanics are inferior blonde-haired barbarians.

Their main slogan would be, 'Bring back The Roman Empire & make Rome great again').
by Diana_Lucius_De_Collis August 25, 2023
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