What mobile devices are.
Carlos is researching and writing as much in his handheld mobile computer than on his iMac.
by but for July 30, 2021
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WHen the insides go all itchy. Usually caused by a build up of dust or by unauthorised access from a filthy hard drive.
My PC is suffering from computer crabs
by TheLegendaryOne February 27, 2015
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A technical term used on the Tattooing industry for Porn. It is often used for the passing of time between customers
"Did i miss much at work today?"

"Na dude, spent most of my time catching up on computer studies"

by Crazydude165 January 13, 2014
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A machine specially a computer that completes tasks while being no bigger than a cell in size.
subatomic computers are not quantum computers, it is the size differences in which they perform.
by 1m1m0 September 23, 2022
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Jorgamund: Woah Dude, what a fuckass computer

Dilo: Yea lets burn it
by 4372912938 April 26, 2021
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A paradigm in which a spinning-discrete plane of uncountable prime cavitations is able to calculate the distance from one prime cavitation to any other prime cavitations.
Teleparallel computation inspired by Einstein's proposal of teleparallel gravity proposes that electrostatic magnetism arises from panformalism's ability to compute the ideal draw-distance among an uncountable number of prime numbers on a discrete cylindrical plane.
This creates a frictionless surface.
by sandrashine November 10, 2021
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