1. A social concept where a gaggle of hoes that use their pussies as an only way of life to survive without actually being pimped.

2. A group of women having kids with multiple men and leaving them for the child support.

3. A group of women sleeping with guys for material and emotional gains without intention of being faithful or being there for them in any way in return.
Example 1:

Guy : Wow, Maria is so pretty!

Female: Steer clear of her she belongs to the Whore Mafia.

Example 2:

Guy: Since my wife became part of the Whore Mafia,I'm living in a Shack and can't see my kids.
by Arealbluntmothafucka May 16, 2016
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Please bring your brothers to meet other brothers at our weekly Backwoods Mafia meeting. We's family.
by William Wordsmyth April 13, 2022
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Gang members who identify themselves with a π tattoo, which piques someone’s curiosity whether their leader was previously a math nerd, whose life had since taken a perilous turn.
Several members of the pi mafia, who were recently arrested for possessing illegal drugs and guns, confessed to having zero clues on the meaning of the tattoo they’re wearing, when questioned by the police.
by Fasters January 22, 2022
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Saenz ;
A organized group of pretend jew that go around to harm Robert Cameron Saenz and his followers. BE A JARCS!
Oh hey, I just joined the JARCS mafia and gues what I did...I ate a ....
by JARCS mafia June 23, 2009
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Where a bunch of uncircumcised men collect their dick cheese and start a cheese factory.
Hey Max, wanna start a Cheesecake Mafia?
by Undercover MVP July 1, 2022
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A mob of mascara slangin hotties!! Selling the hottest mascara in all the neighborhoods.

mascara makeup
M:Did you see The Mascara Mafia at the mall, yesterday?
Y: Yes!! They sure have the best job!
by TheMascaraMafia September 4, 2015
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A group of friends who play for the same football team in Millbrook while younger and grow up to play on the same high school team.
Jonny and AJ are members of the Millbrook Mafia.
by Coach Rex September 11, 2011
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