Another word for a god among men who completely rules
John: Adam is such a storm whale
by A Dinosaur Ate Me February 7, 2013
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Preemptive canceling of school and businesses in lieu of snow storm or ice storm. Also the swatch of people who must buy milk, bread and eggs before such a storm.
The blizzard was supposed to hit until 2:30 pm, but the superintendent thought better of it just canceled school for the whole day. He was experiencing storm panic.
by manderjean March 4, 2014
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A storm full of Snow rain and hail

David-"Damn you see that snail storm?"
Ryan-"ye bro, that's how my mom died 2 years ago"
by huncky shit April 29, 2021
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when you freeze up hella cum overnight and plaster it all over a bitches face.
"last night I gave that bitch a chinese ice storm!"
by ShutupGonz December 17, 2018
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Sistor James is the best and everyone should stan him. He teaches life lessons daily and always encourages people to do their best.
Sistor James is most certainly the best Candidate for President and Prime Minster.

He stans twice and wishes who ever doesn't stan twice to fall in shit. Yes Love that. His favourite quote is "Ignore Your Zodiac you suck either way" ~Toby 2021.

Sistor James believes everyone is shit and everyone sucks.

Stan Sister James
by sisterjameslol1 January 5, 2021
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The act of your significant other taking a handful of laxatives, whilst shoving a half a bag of sand up their arse. Then, while you lay down, they squat over you and once the laxatives kick in they spray the sandy poop all over your face.
It was so hard to wash my sheets I had to throw them away because I gave Shaniqua a sahara sand storm last night
by Robat Ppob December 20, 2017
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A unit of 2 or more interns.
"The break room was overrun with a storm of interns."
by TheJunoHopper January 29, 2014
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