A certain level of charisma that is exhibited while in the thralls of substance addiction. Often brought on by a complete lack of fucks to give.
Can sometimes be in conjunction with being a ''Hot mess'.
Prima: How the fuck does joe do it, I mean look at him, he looks like a scarecrow made out beef jerky?

Secunda: Look, Joe might've been banging meth for a solid two years, but he's got that certain ''junkie charm'' that, for some reason, the chicks are into, I guess.
by Velocian88 January 31, 2014
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A Weekend Junky is a person who would eat healthy food for most of the week, but when the weekend comes they eat nothing but junk food.

Like for weekdays their eating habits would be like a strict diet, while on the weekends they seem to toss that diet aside for just a couple of days then when Monday comes by again they are back on their diets.
Tom: At work Veronica only eats vegetables, and cheese it is hard to believe she is a weekend junky.
by BKobayashi February 27, 2011
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Goat. Strides at jugging & finesser.. one of the freshest in his era. Self Made.
swagg junki one who has an extremely fly swagg
by Swagg junki December 21, 2016
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A screen door junkie is a Herion addict who sits in the front of the screen door on the inside and sells crack to children under the age of 10.
P. Diddy is probably an undercover screen door junkie.
by Kool-Aid08 May 27, 2008
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Line from Warhol's movie, "Trash"

1.) Someone Living a dirty, dependent couch surfing/unemployed existence
2.) A lazy person, someone whose life is somehow out of control, or less than together...
3.) Not taking care of yourself or meeting your responsibilities, fulfilling your potential.
4.) A drug addict see Junky
Ever since school got out I have been such junky garbage... sleeping until 3 in the afternoon every day, eating takeout.
by tanima May 20, 2004
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Someone who flys FPV drones excessively or obsessively.
Hey, where's your boyfriend? Thought he was coming with you? He's flying his damn drone. Sounds like he's a FPV junkie. Might need to have an intervention.
by Fpvjunkie June 15, 2022
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Someone who is addicted to philosophy. This can have both a positive and a negative meaning. It could simply be an enthusiast, or someone who's obsessed with faux self-help pseudophilosophy, which causes them to have a twisted self image and worldview.
I just like watching philosophy videos on Youtube. I'm not some philosophy junkie, I swear!
by Nugsson May 31, 2022
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