Coffee, espresso, or natural drinks with lots of caffine.
Tobi: Tiffany is tweaking out on some of nature's meth right now.
Noam: What?
Tobi: She had like 7 espresso shots.
by The Long Haired Beast November 21, 2018
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The greatest supplement store in the Universe and the only place you should be going to for all things health, wellness and fitness.
I'm looking for something to help with my soreness, I'm definitely going to see what Natural Body Bay Ridge has available.
by NBBR November 24, 2021
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In science, an illusory trend created by conflating two different kinds of data.
"I've just completed Mike’s Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (ie from 1981 onwards)... to hide the decline." - climatologist Phil Jones, in the most infamous Climategate email
by SaveTheEndangeredAdverb July 23, 2016
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Naturality, a youtuber with over 10,000 subs who trolls in Frappe (Crappe), Fizze, Panda Express and more. She also has a server called "Naturality's Fun House" which is pretty cool.
Naturality is a queen.
by husseiscute March 27, 2020
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Someone who appreciates the outdoors, and aspires to have fun in the great outdoors!
Wow, have you seen how often Ana goes to the Orange County Trails? She's such a nature gazer, she's always doing this kind of stuff!
by frenchi106 June 19, 2017
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What your vagina becomes when a female places her hands between her thighs for warmth
Kelly: "Gosh it's cold out here!"
Krista: "Place them in your nature mitten."
by PiRaTiCaL WeNcH October 9, 2012
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Is when someone farts in a public pool such as a community pool, when close to another person, then swims away quickly.
I gave this black lady at the pool today a natural jacuzzi. She was not happy!!
by Coontry Chicken July 8, 2019
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