Mostly common in racing series such as NASCAR and Formula 1 (aka F1). This happens on some tracks during races where the cars are close together and drivers misjudge how close the cars are. Thus, resulting in one big wreck after another. It can also result in only a few cars being taken out of the race instead of seven cars at once.
Did you watch the race on TV yesterday? It was a freakin' wreck fest out there!
by TravelingGuy May 27, 2011
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To destroy and or to kick ass.
Our team wrecked house yesterday at the tournament.
He completely wrecked house in that fight!
We work so well together, we're going to wreck house.
by IHateEverything555 January 21, 2013
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The state of mind or conscience where all of your emotions are tangled into one big ball of mess. Usually occurring after the death of a loved one, a messy break up, loss of some thing with sentimental value, or even after a really, really shit day. Usual symptoms include feeling confused, with tangled ideas about who to be angry/sad at. Oh, and feeling the compulsion to write an urban dictionary definition of it.
Yeah, I've just spent 20 minutes on the toilet crying my eyes out over him/her. I pretty much qualify as an emotional wreck...
by Talking Hex October 19, 2010
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A phrase describing one's extreme intoxication
Guy 1: oh man, you really loved those jaeger bombs last night...
Guy 2: yeah, i was tyrannosaurus wrecked!
by fatcat2040 March 24, 2008
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a total fucking disaster ...the kind that makes you want to shake your head.
The people at the party were so was a train wreck.
by 4 June 15, 2004
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A girl with an unattractive face, yet sporting a phatty on the back side.

booty ass train
Nigga 1: Ya know that bitch Monica with that phat ass?
Nigga 2: Hell yeah but her face looking like it came out dat ass
Nigga 1: Absolutely, Shes a WRECKED WAGON.
by LowKeyVapes April 7, 2016
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To beat your opponent or opposing team mercilessly. Especially in video game. Synonomous with pwn noobs.
Let's Wreck Face guys!
Guys we just wrecked FACE!
by JMoney and Zee Bella June 19, 2009
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