derogatory term for a female Marine, often referring to their tendency to go au natural
Damn Devil! You see that fugly wookie over there?
by BLB4 August 4, 2006
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a girl walks past and say thats " nice wookie".
by ladies man 551 October 24, 2011
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clunge, snatch, pussy...ect
Dude! there is bare wookie in here!!
by eddieeee October 16, 2011
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the defeniton of wookie is when something is fake or not right.
Bob " Bill, you have some wookie J's"

Bill " NO? I bought them at Big T Bazaar"

Bob " Exactly, Wookie Store, Wookie Shoes!"
by eL lOcO 13 January 5, 2010
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To ejaculate into somebodys mouth an on to there face. Followed closely by ripping out some pubic hair (yours or theirs) an throwing it onto their face and into there mouth. After doing this grab their throat and choak then untill you get the desired effect of them making a wookie sound as the semen gargles in their throat.
I wookied your mum
I wookied your girlfriend

I gave her a wookie
I her her/him got wookied
by jellylerch February 9, 2011
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When a girl is hairy in all the wrong places.
"Dude did you see that chick in the bikini?"
"Yeah bro. Complete Wookie."
by anthonyferrando April 20, 2007
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A criminally delicious item that can be made in most university dining halls and hotel buffets. A wookie is made by delicately nestling a chocolate chip cookie within the warm, cozy well of a folding waffle maker. Then waffle batter is lovingly drizzled over said cookie and cooked. People who have consumed wookies usually experience elevated heart rate, out-of-body experiences, visions of other worlds, and severe withdrawal symptoms.
A: "I think the last time I shat my pants was when I was 4."
B: "Dude, the last time I shat my pants was when my friend made me a wookie during breakfast."
by H.D. August 31, 2013
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