A deformation of the Eye, where one looks at you and the other in a competely different direction causing the observer to feel physically nausiated. It is especially common in people from small towns such as Cargo, NSW.
Are you looking at me? I can't tell because of your Wonky Eye
by ap121 November 24, 2010
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the act where a male ejaculates in his partners eye, when his partner is trying to extract the sperm, he must then kick them hard in the shin. at this point the partner will jump up clutching there leg. therefore performing the shape of a 1 legged eye patched pirate.
she said i don't swollow, so i wonky pirated the bitch.
by longjohn6inch June 18, 2011
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You’ve heard of Willy Wonka, now get ready for... Willa Wonky.

Defines a female who is generally “wonky.”
Look at her, she’s definitely Willa Wonky.
by Boioioioioioioi December 25, 2019
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Pseudonym for wife particularly when behaving irrationally and/or under the influence of hormones.
I'd love to come for a beer but the Wonky Squaw would kill me.
by ud40 February 23, 2005
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an eye that does not seem to make eye contact, is deformed, or has poor vision
I have 20/200 vision in my wonky eye, so I'll never be able to drive.
by GuidoPosse69 February 8, 2005
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Wonky Donkey is a sexual position. (You must be listening to country music the entire time) A person needs to be on 3 legs, with one eye closed, and then fart on their partner who is behind them. Then after the fart the person behind you must ejaculate on back of the person on the floor.
He was a Spunky hanky panky cranky stinky Dinky lanky honky tonky winky wonky donkey
by EhHehHehHeh July 1, 2021
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