A slut with good business sense and financial responsibility.
"That slut just asked me to pay her for last night!"
"Hey man, chill out and show some respect - that's a whore!"
"Oh, I didn't even realize... Now I feel bad."
by Chris (the sexy one) February 6, 2009
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1. (n) A person who will sleep with nearly anyone (sometimes regardless of gender) for financial gain.

The adjective form of "Whore" would be "Whore-like" or "Whore-ish", and can be used to describle style of dress or behaviors that would correspond with a whore.

"Whore" is most often used when referring to a female who exhibits said characteristics. When in reference to males, the term "Man-Whore" is often used.

See also: slut
Guy: "Hey, how much for a blowjob?"

Whore: "$50 bucks."

Guy: "Sounds good", *ziiip* "Get to work."
by phroot August 21, 2008
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someone who has sex with a lot of people, usually very friviously
Jane is a complete whore, thats why so many guys know her.
by Anonymous June 16, 2002
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More than half of myspace's inhabitants.
Oh, look, another whore on myspace.
by Adrian September 1, 2006
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1. A man who is only interested in physical attraction and uses game for the rest of a relationship. Who hurts girls, cheats on them and leaves them either from boredom or for another girl he equally thinks nothing more of than an object of sex.

2. A player who is only interested in sex.
1. Jessica found out that John was cheating on her at a party so she made her way to the scene. When she arrived she yelled "John you are whore and I hate you! We're ove!". John's reputation was never the same from that day on, and when he walked down the halls of highschool he could hear everyone whisper "what a whore", "look at that filthy whore".

2. Jim's brother is a whore that's why he can never hold a steady relationship.
by that person who posted this. November 28, 2011
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1. A woman who has sex with numerous partners. The word is usually used in a negative mannery as to imply the woman is figuratively dirty.

2. To do something excessively, usually in a First Person Shooter game on a Computer. When used in context to excessively using a weapon (Like CS's AWP. Not to rat on this weapon.), it implies that the person relies upon that weapon and they "would not be so tough" without it. However, in many cases, bad strategy can be blamed for the victims death, not whoring.
Linda was a whore and enjoyed sleeping with numerous men.

Headless Chicken: You AWP whore!! Put down that noob cannon.

Pro Snyper: If you had some better strategy you could kill me with a Scout.

Headless Chicken: You're still a whore...
by 4x4_Man July 31, 2005
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Minor annoyance. You're not really mad at them, but sitll kinda pissed.
"Hey, who ate the last doughnut?"

"I did."

by Megan March 2, 2005
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