1. A weak or undependable member of a group. 2. A person regarded as timid or indecisive.
Jim's a fuckin' weak sister, he couldn't decide whether to shit or go blind.
by zboss June 10, 2007
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A phrase used to express how weak you are at something without actually laughing.
Person 1: Bro, mans Josh got burned by a treesh.
Person 2: Deadass B?
Person 1: Deadass bro.
Person 2: Wow, I'm weak at that.
by Beezxs September 24, 2018
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The feeling of literally not being able to function because you are so weak from sex. You spend the next 4hrs being pathetic and partially retarded
"Hey Olive do you want to see a movie?"

"I can't! I'm so sex weak I can barely move!"
by Tintwistle Tim December 23, 2013
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Poor health; prone to catching colds or illnesses, or having to stay home in bed. Not physically strong or robust.
The winters were tough on his already weak constitution, putting him even further out of touch with his more athletic cousins.
by MyrrhKat January 31, 2022
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A Weak Hoe Is A Female That Talks A lot Of Shit But Can't Handle Herself When Shit Gets Real Therefore She Is A Weak Hoe
SaQuata: Girl You're Baby Daddy Ugly Asf And Y'all Baby Look Like A Rat

SaNotta: Bitch But All You Doing Is Talking Come Get Yo Ass Beat

SaQuata: Now You Wanna Fight Bcuz I'm Stating Facts Oso Petty

SaNotta: You a Weak Hoe.
by BrickMadly February 24, 2015
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The one person, or 2 that alwyas is the bitch of the group and messes up all the time
that Thomas kid sure is a weak link
by DigBick1000000 January 23, 2019
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