Vibing is having a connection with someone else, or something that's really cool.
If you're vibing with someone else, you can be friends with someone and be saying something funny, or getting high and saying fake deep things. You could also be having a romantic connection with someone else, and finishing someone's sentences. If you see something that you like, you could say that it's your vibe or a vibe.
Richard: Hey Kavi how are you
Kavi: Oh yeah I'm vibing you?
Richard: Me too but I'd rather be vibing with you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kavi: 😍
by anarchism_is_sexy June 2, 2019
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Where you are "high" on marajuana to a point where your body "feels" the song and you moove to the beat without realising.
"Man This choon has a good Vibe"
"im getting a vibe from this Tune"
by StonersAnnon April 28, 2005
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The point where you are on a trip from any mind altering substances and you feel "connected" with one person or everyone in the room
Josh: Hey. Yeah you, bro, no one else here knows this but, you and I... Are vibing right now.

Me: Bro, lay off the shrooms...
by WritingTheWrong May 25, 2011
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She used a yoni steam to refresh her vibe.
by Cori and Laura January 28, 2021
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Another word for "Chill".
You usually say it to someone who is either freaking out or said something stupid or out of line.
The act of being vibe: Viben.
*twos guys on shrooms in their car at a park

"Dam those shrooms are hitting me bro! Im seeing my dead mom sitting on that bench over there! fuck shes coming over..dam bitch get out of my passanger seat! Shut your mouth! stop talking crazy bitch!"

"Fucking vibe bro.."

"Nah its straight now; shes just viben."
by Nicoke17 September 6, 2009
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Urban Outfitters' ridiculous customer service acronym standing for Values and Interactions to Build our Environment.
"Hey, guys, for our next VIBE day, let's do Cowboys & Indians!"
"What a VIBEtastic idea!"
"Great VIBE!"
by Sean MFin B October 16, 2007
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