The most annoying person you know- someone who is constantly butting into your business and doesn't even need to say anything to make you really bugged off.
"Shelby-Lynn is such a toe. I don't even want to look at her!" "Same, man."
by scrabblemaster3000 January 14, 2017
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Something ugly that cannibals use to stir their tea
“I used a toe to stir my coffee, black as my soul,”
by BigfootAlberto August 6, 2019
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whens some poop on ones face n licks it up with a vaccum n then takes it from the vaccum eats it then poops it out n the cycle starts again
by TheUrbanDictionary101 May 30, 2011
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to stop trying to have sex with a lot of people
man the girl won't have sex with me anymore i guess she has her toes in
by Fabiolivas April 16, 2010
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When a male pules out of any orfice on a female, barracades it with a lincoln log and proceeds to spread open the big toes on each of her feet with the left and right hands. He then proceeds to say "cummin in yer toes" in a monotone voice very rapidly until he ejaculates on her toes. After the act is finished the girl walks on the males body and sings toe toe toe your boat until it is dry.
Jerry- Damn rebekkah was wasted last night. What'd you guys do in there?

Randy - Stuck a lincoln log in her ass while she sang toe toe toe your boat all night long.
by bob jonez August 23, 2011
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Put your foot on the floor so it acts as a doorstop.
Ollie said fingers. Kurt corrected him by saying "Toes Ollie, toes".
by truk213 April 30, 2008
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