when you are too drunk to get a boner so you use your thumb in place of you dick.
1.Evan was too drunk last night so he just decided to thumb it. his girlfriend told him he got bigger. Evan cried himself to sleep...

2. Dude: i was sooo smashed last night i couldn't get it up man.

Man: you should have thumbed it dude!

Dude: f that shit i duffle bagged it instead man.

Man: yeah but knowing your girlfriend it would be like throwing a hot dog down a hallway dude!

Dude: thats low man. (shoots off the mans dick)
by the new mexican July 26, 2010
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"Thumbs fell off the ledge and broke a thumb off"
by Joel January 9, 2004
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Angelica a little thumb sucking girl
Angelica herself always sucking ALOT!
by Caca February 28, 2005
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An action primarly involving your thumb.
Timmy was thumbing his nose.
by casey_neistat April 17, 2017
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Seth usually looks like a thumb but he also has a long neck.
Seth is a thumb
by Petrik October 2, 2018
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English A little Girl Who Sucks Her Thumb
Angelica sucks her thumb thats why she is a thumb
by Caca February 28, 2005
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The Kentucky Thumb is a world renowned lifesaving and lovemaking technique invented by Scott DeShields of Kentucky Ballistics himself after quite the unfortunate romantic encounter with some "hot" slap rounds, (the name gives it justice). As such the term was established as a method for multiple uses; for example plugging a severed carotid, loading firearms, and poking eggplants.
Everyone: Wait, Scott is still alive?
Scott: Saved again by the Kentucky Thumb.
by Seven_Corn May 20, 2021
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