because i want an ugly campus, genius classmates, and NOT CALTECH (... and MIT?)
I love Harvey Mudd, it's just better than Caltech. I'm sorry, Dr. Feynman.
by JustCallMeZ. September 19, 2023
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A person obtaining the characteristics of over-sized ears, accompanied by wide eyes and a mischevious grin, who claims to be a jock and a chick magnet.
"Bruh you gets no hoes.Look at you,your a mudd baby."
by Z-Ehl November 3, 2009
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When you have a problem and cant control your shit, it comes out of your butt crack and you feel a warm sensation. the aftermath can leave dingle berrys, depends on the amount of hair you have !!!
stacie had a mudd butt all last week, no pad or tanpon could help!! she had to cut off her dingle berrys from the intense amount of hair on her ass!!
by slsdncagk April 15, 2010
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Mudd but is simply put as anal grease.

*see swamp ass*
No dude i cant go to the party I have a severe case of swampass. I havent gotten off the toilet all day
by Justin March 3, 2005
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The murky, stenchy remnants of an earlier human defecation hot gopher overflowing in the hole of the green on a golf course resulting from heavy rain or daily watering of the greens.

Also, a butt rock band of similar shitty quality.
Nice shot dude - you read that 40-footer perfectly!” “Thanks dude - yeah these greens are really slow today...must have been that storm last night. Oh shit! What’s this Puddle of Mudd in the hole? I can’t even see my ball. (Pulls out ball covered in stenchy muck). Oh shit! This smells like shit! Fuck - there’s a piece of corn stuck to it. Some dbag must’ve hot gophered this yesterday...”
by Duckfartsoup May 1, 2020
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Nirvana wannabes. But they are kinda kewl though.
"She Fucking Hates Me" resembles Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit"
by NukeheaD October 3, 2004
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