slang. local hispanic dialect, commonly used amongst gangsters (female) in texan cities bordering mexico. commonly used to confirm suspicion as to the accuracy of a given statement.
for the reals?
translation: Are you telling the truth?
by tadsworth February 5, 2005
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An expression used when describing something fake, or else otherwise known to be posing.
He fake but I know cuz real no real.
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that you really mean it.

something you really really mean.

bob: Man dat girls a slag...

fred: Yeah man, on a real.
by man ray October 30, 2007
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Down to Earth; Authentic. Typically defined by not letting wealth or fame make you forget who you are and where you came from. In the context of relationships, it means that you stayed true to your significant other and did not cheat or break their trust. It can also mean that you don't let things like social status or economic status change the way you treat a person.
Little Johnny stayed real to his friends and family despite his newfound wealth and fame.
by Gjallarhorn April 25, 2015
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Used by students of the Mercedes class of 2006. It evolved from the use of sarcasm. i.e. When someone says something that is unfavourable, the response is 'real'.
Person 1: We have to stay behind after school until we finish our assignment!
Person 2: Real! Like we're gonna do that


Principal: If anyone is involved in vandalising the school on muck-up day, they will not be allowed to sit their exams here.
Yr 12s: (muttering to eachother) Real!
by joker_2246 October 28, 2006
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An idiom of hip hop culture used to refer to the tendency or ability for real individuals to identify, connect with, or otherwise respect, other real individuals. The usage of real is identical to that in the more generic phrase keepin' it real, i.e. genuine, true.
Scalia: "I think equal protection is the most overextended rational in modern day justice"

Roberts: "agreed"

Scalia: "We see eye to eye on this don't we?"

Roberts: "Hey, real recognize real."

Scalia: "word"
by kelzobaggins November 15, 2007
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