Word commonly used in Wicklow Town, Ireland meaning really good or excellent.
"That was a deadly movie"
"Didnt like the first one but their new album is deadly"
by Deadly Earnest February 14, 2009
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A Manchester made exclusive alternative to saying the likes of “Swear Down, Mams Life, Pinky Promise” or whatever. Once you have said “DEADLY 60- a sacred oath” whoever lies shall be prosecuted.
Deadly 60 I don’t know what he’s talking about”
“Deadly 60 I didn’t take your phone”
“Deadly 60 he’s got it”
by Harris R November 8, 2022
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a taco that is DEaDly
ie: that taco is very tacoful deadly taco ocat
by deadly taco April 2, 2021
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the little bump you get on your wire of your charger when you use and bend it too much. Causing you find sweet spots to charge your phone.
by SnapchatGod May 14, 2015
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Tag along wannabe boy/girlfriend who refuses to accept that you will never go out with them.
"Alex is following me around all the time like a deadly linctus; She is going all deadly linctus on me."
by Marzipan March 26, 2003
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Calling someone out on not being able to do something, then not being able to do it themselves.

In homage to the original source, (A small twitch streamer) can be said in a British accent, although unnecessary.
Jim: You can't hit a single target
John: Try it yourself!
*Jim fails to hit a target*
John: Deadly banter.
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