Also know as "Thanks For Sharing" Its When someone drives past you with windows down and absolute crap music playing, or worse yet when you are both stopped at a stop light and all you can hear is their bad music.
Car 1: (Music Blaring) !@#$&^%$#@!@#$%$#@#$%$#@
Car 2: That Music is crap. Thank You For Sharing. asshole.
by Bri Silver August 24, 2011
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It's proper bo!
Penny Smith made me do a sexwee

Thank you please
by Fookin Mel B December 10, 2003
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Term that applies when one hastily responds to a thanks with a thank you turning an otherwise pleasant conversation into an awkward one.
Debbie the cashier: Seventy-five cents is your change, come back soon thanks.

You: Thank you!

Thanks, Thank You
by Scoot McGoot December 10, 2009
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A creative way of rejecting something/someone especially in the case of a prospective love interest whome a person would never concider. The equivalent of "boy bie". Term was originally used by industry people who would reject "talent" by thanking therm, then asking for the next one to come it.
Made mainstream by Ariana Granda's hit song Thank you, Next where she thanks each of her exes then moves on to the next one.
Aura: Steven just sent me a dick pic and asked me to come over to smoke.
Julie: You mean your creepy dealer with the baby mamma drama and the IQ of a 12yo child?
Aura: ugh yeah, he's been coming onto me a lot lately even after I told him I just want weed.
Julie: Then drop him. Thank you, next.
by OrahBora March 4, 2019
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kissing someone with your mouth full of pee
yeah i took this girl home and all she gave me was a milwaukee thank you, my shirt still smells weird
by milwaukeethankyou August 2, 2023
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Someone who feels the need to say thank you, or uses thank you a lot, when it's not necessary.
Lucas bought Brian a snack at the grocery store, like he always does.
Brian: Thank you!
Lucas: Dude! You say thank you way too often. Stop being such a thank you fag.
by BABYGIRL68 October 4, 2020
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The use of "thank you nostradamus" began in 2014 from within the video game World of Tanks by Whane The Whip. The phrase is sarcastic and used whenever someone make a ridiculous claim of foreknowledge.
Joe: I haven't seen my ex in years.
Fred: You will bump in to her next week, just you wait.
Joe: Thank you Nostradamus.
by Whane The Whip September 10, 2014
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